Dwell Revisits the State of Pre Fab
The new issue of dwell appeared in my mailbox this weekend, and it is a spectacular issue (and surprisingly thick!) all about modern Pre Fab housing.Dwell introduced me to the concept of prefabrication and its egalitarian design potential, and this latest issue looks at the State of the Pre Fab Union - with great examples of successful current pre fab projects, and interviews with some leaders in the modern pre fab movement. The editor's note at the beginning of the issue really outlines some of the challenges that pre fab has faced in transferring to the mainstream despite strong belief in the potential of mass prefabricated housing from many leading architects dating back to the early 20th century (including Le Corbusier). It also provides some good news for pre fab enthusiasts - pointing out that dwell struggled to find just a handful of examples for their first look at pre fab, but was innundated with options of projects to highlight in this most recent issue.
So if your notion of prefabricated housing is the old mail-order Sears housing catalogues or double wide trailers on the back of flat bed trucks - definitely check out the latest innovations and efforts to popularize pre fab around the world. I am a strong supporter of providing access to good design to families of all incomes and backgrounds - and pre fab seems to be the best opportunity to make that access a reality.
For more on pre fab - I highly recommend dwell editor Allison Arieff's book, aptly named Pre Fab And definitely check out Fab Pre Fab.

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