Libeskind Does Denver
A friend of mine shared this very cool site, that features tons of pictures of Daniel Libeskind's new extension for the Denver Art Museum being erected.The new space will house the Modern and Contemporary art collection and the collection of Architecture and Design and Oceanic Art.
You can read Libeskind's take on the work here.
I really like how he states that his intention is for the visitor's museum experience to begin before even entering the building. Living in DC with the museum-lined Mall downtown, I know that this is definitely a reality for the visitor, so it is wonderful for an architect to recognize that facet of the museum experience.
"The spatial spectrum of the museum will choreograph public experience for the visitors greater than the sum of its parts. The visitor experience will begin before actually entering the building proper because the building is conceived as a spectacular urban form within the center of the horizon of the city. The flow of public circulation will therefore be a full three dimensional exploration of the topography of place, time and the unexpected."

Image via Cubistro, © 2005 John Boak
(Also covered at Arts Journal and Archidose)
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Anonymous, at
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