Atomic Shopping
I came across this extremely cool online store called Atomic Warehouse. For you folks in Harrisburg, PA - you can visit the actual place in the flesh at 1021 Market Street.Atomic Warehouse sells everything 20th Century - from Art Deco to Mid Centruy Modern to Retro. Their extensive inventory includes Radios, Televisions, Clocks, Watches, Lighting, Furniture, Art, Advertising Signs, Appliances, and more. I really got a kick out of the Retro-Future Television sets - very Jetsons.
Overall there isn't much in the low price range, but almost all of their stuff is under a grand, which is reasonable to have one-of-a-kind vintage design (when people are paying double that over at DWR for a reproduction).
Here are a couple of things that caught my eye, but head on over to the site and explore their eclectic mix of retro cool items for yourself.

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