
Monday, February 06, 2006

PRADE Tales from the Road: Groom Cross

I want to say a big welcome to the readers coming over to PRADE from your favorite architecture blog and mine, A Daily Dose.

As most of you newcomers probably don't know, PRADE recently relocated to San Fran from Washington DC. But PRADE didn't just hop on a plane or rent a Uhaul - PRADE went cross country
in style. I've only posted a few things from the trip so far, so I'm starting a new feature called Tales from the Road - little tidbits about my experience Cadillac-ing my way across the US of A.

First up - the largest cross in the Western Hemisphere. Any guesses where it is located? That's right, Texas - God's chosen state.

If you look close, you can see ant-size cars at the base of the cross.
Compensating for a lack of faith?

Situated only a shotgun blast's distance off of I-40 in Groom, Texas, just a few hundred yards past the
Leaning Water Tower (I shit you not, that really counts as an attraction in Texas), the 190 foot high cross is visible from miles around. I didn't stop at the cross, but that appears to be my loss, as the base of the cross features a veritable theme park of Jesus attractions.

If you are ever driving on I-40 through Texas (and hopefully you have a destination that doesn't lie within Texas) I definitely recommend sticking your camera out the window and taking a picture of the humongous white cross as you zoom by as fast as possible. You can't miss it - it is the huge f*&%ing cross surrounded by hundreds of miles of flat nothingness.

3 comment(s):

  • What a jerk! If you don't have anything nice to say, then have a little class and don't say anything at all!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:14 PM  

  • You know Ive never been to Texas yet. All I can say is the guy or girl who wrote this is a real ASSHOLE. I agree with the first response...... if you dont have anything good to say, then it keep it the F**H to yourself.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 PM  

  • The cross outside of Groom, Texas is an experience that you missed out on. If you stand at the base of the cross you get a sense of how small and fragile you really are, and then to take a walk with Jesus as he carries his cross to our redemption awakens your soul and helps you understand how much he gave. Next time you drive thru Groom give it a try, and if you need someone to go with my wife and I will go with you.

    By Anonymous Coby Eilenberger, at 9:44 PM  

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